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Normal Now

love your life Oct 14, 2020

How are you feeling today?


Take a minute to check in with yourself. Are you doing okay? That's something I I've been asking myself lately. 

If your answer is no, I totally get it.

We're all dealing with more stress and things we can't control this year, there's a lot going on. We're exhausted. Tired from trying to keep it all together. Overwhelmed by pivoting, redirecting and trying to figure out how to take care of everyone and everything like it's not a big deal.

This past weekend Scottie and I celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving without our family gathered around our table. Even amidst this difficult year, we were able to find things to be grateful for.

But deep-down I was sad. Grieving the things I used to take for granted. Knowing things will never be the same because it's not the *new normal* anymore. This is normal now. This is life.

I realized my dreams are more important than ever. If I give up on my dreams I'm giving up on myself. Yet, it's so much easier to cower and hide and wait for things to go back to the way they were.

I haven't been taking the best care of myself partly because I've stopped dreaming. Yet, it's only when I feel strong that I can face upheaval with grace and grit. Does that sound true for you too?

So my thought for this Wednesday is let's take better care of ourselves and pull ourselves out of the pity party this pandemic has created. It's time to decide who we are going to be in the face of all of this.

At least that's the way I've been feeling lately. 

Copyright 2020: Helene Oseen