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Rest. Rejuvenate. Repeat.

love your life Mar 20, 2024

Spring, is that you? The past few days we were soaking up those glorious spring vibes, basking in the warmth of +18 degree in Calgary. It felt like Mother Nature was giving us a big ol' hug. But guess what? This morning, we woke up knee-deep in some seriously nasty weather. Ah, the classic Calgary *wait five minutes and it'll change* scenario, am I right?

Isn't it funny how life throws us those curveballs when we least expect it? One minute, we're cruising along with our plans, and the next *CHIC* happens. We're knocked off course. Sometimes it's like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded.

And speaking of twists and turns, I've already shared with you the fact that I said good-bye to my sweet mom, my rock. Even though I knew her time was near, losing her hit me like a ton of bricks. But you know what? In the midst of my grief, I stumbled upon something beautiful - unexpected connections. It's like the universe was saying *Hey, I got you.*

Now, here's the kicker: I'm running on fumes, friends. Instead of my usual go-go-go mode, I'm giving myself permission to heal and hit the pause button. Radical, right? I'm taking a breather, trusting that everything will keep ticking along just fine while I focus on me for a change.

So, I'm diving headfirst into some serious self-care mode. Rest, rejuvenate, repeat. And you know what? It feels amazing. We're not the Energizer Bunny, you and I. We're human, with all our beautiful flaws and vulnerabilities. And there's strength in embracing that, in giving ourselves the TLC we deserve.

So, let's make a pact. Let's take some me time, soak up some sunshine (or rain, or snow - thanks, Calgary), and just be. We've got this.

Copyright: Helene Oseen 2024