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Sweater Weather

design your life Sep 07, 2022

As summer comes to an end like so many other women I'm shifting into *back-to* mode, back-to regular work routines after summer holidays and travel, back-to more structured days and back-to the fall vibe of sweater weather.

Growing up, back-to-school was a big deal for me. New friends, new teacher, new locker. I got new clothes and new school supplies (who doesn't love the smell of a newly sharpened pencil?)

Sometimes I got store bought clothes, but mostly I remember my mom sewing for me. We would go to Fanny's Fabrics and pour through the pattern books. Once we found the perfect pattern we'd scour the store to find just the right cloth so she could make me something special. I wasn't allowed to wear it until the day school actually started.

Every woman knows that it feels awesome to have an outfit you feel fabulous in for a special event coming up. It's even better when you love what you wear every day. I can help you with that. My philosophy is simple. Clothes should look good and feel good. I've been helping women over 50 redefine what it looks like to age for many (many) years.

I'll tell you more about something special I have planned for you in the weeks to come.

I'm excited.

Copyright 2022: Helene Oseen